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Monday, June 25, 2018
By Jennifer Witz
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Stance, Strength and Stamina...BOXING.  Since January I have grown to love the sport Boxing. I am one to squirm at the sight of blood and I couldn't hit an empty paper bag for the life of me, but after seeing the difference my 14 year old niece's confidence and strength changed for the best after training with her uncle. my brother, coach Fish n Chips, Seth Witz.  I thought what could it hurt to give it a try. In January I began training once a week and after that first 60 minutes I was hooked and by my eighth lesson I graduated to my perfectly pink boxing gloves.  Now I know I will not be entering a ring anytime soon, but when given the opportunity to be ringside shooting the event my adrenaline pumped! I love a new challenge and capturing the speed of boxing was going to be one!  Coach Fish'n Chips has been training fighters for over 20 years...and Michael is one of the best.  This kid has something special, It was his first fight and in just a few seconds of the match his opponent was about to give up and then by round 2 he was out for the count (I think this even shocked Michael). However, when you you've got a coach that trains you well what should you expect. . .nothing but the best!  Contact coach Seth (Fish n Chips) at 206-799-0124 to train for boxing even if you're like me and will only do it to have confidence in throwing a punch that could save your life!

As for me. . .I'll continue my training outside the ring and photograph a sport I'm truly passionate about!


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